We have three official registration sessions every year. Our early registration is in June and everyone is welcome. Our regular registration is usually the second week of September after the youth have returned to school, and our “Bring-a-Friend†registration in the March time frame as organized by Scouts Canada. We continue to accept registration forms throughout the year, and at the cost determined by the group (16th West Vancouver) at that given time in the registration cycle. Â
To register your child in one of our programs, please contact us.
Program Dates
Youth meetings typically commence in mid-to-late September depending upon leader availability, and finish mid – June. Youth meetings are not held on dates that the school facilities are not available such as Christmas Break, March Break, Thanksgiving, Easter Monday, Victoria Day. Â
Meeting Dates/Times
Beavers  – apprx. 1 hour (program currently not available due to shortage of volunteer leaders)
Cubs – Â Â apprx 1.25 hours Every other Monday from apprx. 7pm to 8:15pm (alternates with Scouts) Location: Â BICS modular
Scouts – apprx 1.5 hours Every other Monday from apprx. 6:30pm to 8:00pm (alternates with Cubs) Location: Â BICS Modular Â
2013/14 youth registration | $200.00Â (1) |
Uniform/Necker/Slide | $50.00 (2) |
Badges | Free |
Weekly meeting dues | Free |
Handbook | $9.99 (2) |
Camps/Outings | TBD (3) |
Scout Shop Vancouver: Â Online Catalogue
Refund Policy
If your child has participated in four (4) weeks or less of programming, you may obtain a full refund less an administrative fee of $50 to cover the costs of registration and refund processing performed by Scouts Canada . There is NO refund after receiving four (4) weeks of programming. Scouts Canada policy states that an individual who has spent more than 4 weeks in program has begun to receive a reasonable portion of the Scouting program and has been fully registered. You are permitted to appeal this to Scouts Canada who will review these cases on an individual case basis. Â
* (1)Â Â Of this fee, $175 is remitted to Scouts Canada directly, and the remaining is retained by our group. This difference of $25 is used by the group to cover the cost of programs, training, fees for use of school facilities, camp equipment, storage and other expenses related to helping our units run a successful program.Â
*(2) Cost of uniform, necker, slide, handbook shown is approximate (plus applicable taxes) based on average costs of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts products which vary in cost. Â The Bowen Island, 16th West Vancouver groups use a special necker which differs from those depicted on some images and the Scouts Canada website. Â Visit the Scout Shop online catalogue to determine the exact cost of items for your program.
*(3)Â Typically camps and other activities/outings are an additional cost. Any fundraising the individual section has conducted will be applied to help reduce the fees for outings. The Bowen Scouts do not charge any extra for badges or weekly meeting dues. Â Due to our island location the group also covers the ferry costs and camp fees for necessary volunteers required to maintain leader/child ratios which makes some of these outings possible.New registrants are also required to purchase the necessary uniform/necker/slide and handbook. For a comprehensive explanation of fees for your child, contact Leslie Blais.Â