About Bowen Scouting

In January 2011 a group of Bowen Island residents held the first Bowen Island Beavers meeting at Bowen Island Community School (BICS). Â The 16th West Vancouver Bowen Island group started out with approximately 15 Beavers from the local community.Â
In September of 2011 the Cub Scouts program was added and has been a great success. As the children have grown we now have a strong group of Cubs and Scouts on the island.Â
The demand for a Beavers group is strong, sadly however we do not currently have enough volunteers to properly run the Beavers program due to child/leader ratio requirements. If you are available to volunteer with a Beavers group, we want to hear from you!
With a strong focus on outdoor activities, the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts enjoy weekly meetings held at BICS and regular outings and events.  The children strengthen core values such as teamwork, sharing, community involvement, stewardship of our environment, family and respect.  Above all, it’s about having FUN!!
To continue the growth of Scouting on Bowen, volunteers are desperately needed. If you would like to volunteer with Bowen Scouting (even on an occasional part-time basis) we’d love to hear from you.  Let’s keep Scouting strong on Bowen Island for years to come!